List Your Property
We take care of EVERYTHING
The Newest, Easiest Way to Sell your Hawke's Bay Home for a One-Off, LOW Fixed Fee.
We take care of EVERYTHING
You get offers from interested parties
You choose the offer you want and sell!
Get an estimate of how much money you can save with LocalEyes' fixed price system.
Drag the slider to where you estimate your property value lies
Enter your real estate agent's commission percentage here
* Calculation based on a typical REAA Commission Structure of 4% upto $400,000 and 2.5% on the amount above that threshold + GST. We have taken this figure and deducted our marketing fee of $7,500+GST to give you your potential savings (This does not take into account the extra marketing you are generally offered by Real Estate Agencies so your savings may be even more).
LocalEyes are not Low Commission Agents, we are NO Commission Real Estate Marketing Specialists. Our Price is Simple....whether you sell your House, Unit, Apartment or Studio for $400,000 or a Million pay as little as $3000+GST.
LocalEyes blends traditional marketing techniques with modern technology. For example, potential buyers are able to take a tour of your house, make you an offer, all from their smartphone...from anywhere in the world, Our Marketing is soley based on selling your property....we use your "For Sale" signs to market your house...not our faces!
No longer will you feel left out of the process of selling your most valuable asset. On top of being able to email us, call us, text us, with LocalEyes you'll be given inside access to an app that will allow us to keep you constantly in the loop. You'll be part of the LocalEyes Team :)
Advice, Resources, CheckLists and Links to Fantastic Local Businesses (Lawyers, Builders, Tradies....)
Help and Advice, Things to Prepare and Things to Look out for when Purchasing your Plenty of Helpful Resources and Links to Local Businesses.